Network Integration

Network Integration

With network integration we combine software applications written by various companies with hardware solutions built by multiple companies and create a secure, stable platform that enables a business to function as if it was designed and built by a single company.  

Our job is to design, build, and support your network so that it is as stable as possible. We supply a team of qualified technical analysts to perform routine and time-sensitive services on your system. Most of our clients are based in Central North Carolina; however, we service and support locations all over the Southeast.  

We work with many types of organizations, including legal, medical, construction, accounting, manufacturing, and non-profits. As network integrators, we work with your software vendor(s) and build solutions that are both effective and affordable.  

Computer and Networking Infrastructure 

  • Server Design & Configuration both Cloud-based & Local 
  • Monitoring for Security Compliance and Stability 
  • LAN and WAN Design Configuration, Purchasing, and Installation 
  • Preventative Maintenance of all Equipment

Some clients have had bad experiences with service providers being finger pointers. When a problem occurs, the network integrator points the blame at the software manufacturer, and the software manufacturer points the finger at the network integrator. At Total Computer Solutions, we believe that when our customer has a problem, we have a problem, and we promise that we will not be finger-pointing. 

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