Cloud Consulting

Is the Cloud Right for Your Organization?

Moving to the cloud is not the right choice for all companies, but it is an ideal solution for many small businesses. If your company has high-speed internet and you need to access applications and data from multiple locations, moving to the cloud could help you:

– Reduce on-site hardware
– Get (near zero) downtime of your applications and data
– Lower capital expenditure
– Get predictable IT spending
– Remotely access Cloud data and applications
– Show problems with perpetual monitoring
– Automate virus protections and updates

Concerned About the Cloud? You Are Probably Already Using It.

Are you using online banking? Then you already trust the cloud. Do you use a Gmail, Hotmail, or Yahoo! email account? You are in the Cloud. The cloud is any web-based application you use to access information. Most businesses are already using cloud-based applications.

Cloud Services Offer Business Leaders the Flexibility They Need

Today’s business leaders are mobile and need access to their data anytime from any location that has internet. The old model of remotely connecting to your office network was a pain, slowed you down, and does not meet the security requirements of today.

As a technology solutions provider, we need the same flexibility in our day-to-day operations that you do. Our team of certified and experienced analysts help companies like yours to design and implement flexible and dependable solutions that will minimize disruptions.

Want to Find Out if Your Company is Ready? Call 336-804-8449 or fill out a form here to schedule a cloud consultation.