As a small business owner, you know why data security is important. But do you have a plan in place as threats become more sophisticated?

In 2022, phishing attacks grew by 61%. So, what can you do to prevent yourself from becoming an unfortunate statistic? Here are five data security trends to watch.


Cybersecurity vs Information Security: What’s the Difference?

Cybersecurity is an umbrella term for the tools and practices that keep your business safe from malicious attacks and data breaches. It includes everything from basic firewalls and anti-virus software to sophisticated solutions like encryption and tokenization.

Information security, on the other hand, is a subset of cybersecurity that focuses specifically on protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access or disclosure.

5 Data Security Management Trends to Watch in 2023 and Beyond

What’s next for data security? What cyber security trends should businesses be aware of and ready to address? Let’s explore five key trends.

#1: The Rise of Zero Trust Security

Zero trust security assumes no user or device should be trusted by default and requires authentication and authorization for every access request. This provides an extra layer of protection against insider threats and advanced persistent threats (APTs).

The approach is gaining popularity among organizations that want to protect their systems from external attackers and internal employees who may be tempted to leak confidential information or cause other damage.

#2: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Data Security

AI can identify potential threats sooner, which reduces response time and helps limit the impact of attacks on your business.

One word of caution, though: strategic organizations use AI to augment human analysts rather than replace them entirely. Human analysts still play an essential role in detecting new threats because they can provide context that machines can’t.


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Data breach protection

#3: The Growing Importance of Privacy

Consumers want to know their personal information is secure and safe. And companies that don’t take the necessary steps to protect their customers’ data will lose them as customers.

The solution is simple: invest in a solid data protection solution (such as encryption) that protects your customers’ information regardless of where it lives. This includes cloud storage systems or third-party applications, such as Google Docs.

#4: The Role of Encryption in Data Security

Encryption is an essential tool to protect sensitive data. Still, it’s important to use encryption properly. Here are some quick tips.

  1. Use robust encryption algorithms. Attackers who use brute force or other techniques can easily break through weak algorithms.
  2. Protect your keys as well as your data. Keep them offline (not stored on servers). So, if hackers gain access to one machine, they don’t automatically have access to all devices with the same key.
  3. Dispose of sensitive information securely when no longer needed. If you can, destroy hard drives containing sensitive information with a shredder or degausser after you wipe them clean.

#5: The Need for Employee Training

Employees are often the weakest link in data security, so training them to identify and avoid security threats is essential. Follow this advice to train your employees on cyber security.

  • Teach employees to spot common threats. These include phishing emails, malicious links, and more.
  • Require strong passwords. Most breached passwords are fewer than twelve characters.
  • Identify your most vulnerable employees. If you have employees who handle sensitive information or deal with customers regularly, they need extra training.
  • Develop a data security breach policy. This guide should include rules around device usage, acceptable internet use, and more.
  • Provide ongoing education for all employees. Help employees stay informed about new threats and best practices.
  • Make sure your employees understand their roles in data security. Everyone is responsible for data security, so illustrate how every employee has an impact.

Stay Ahead of Data Security Trends with TCS!

Keeping up with the latest cyber security trends is make or break for your business. Do you need an IT partner to advise you? Then, consider TCS your expert guide in all things IT.


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