Did you know sixty percent of small companies go out of business within six months of a data breach or cyberattack? Small businesses face many security threats, vulnerabilities, and compliance issues that result in significant losses. So, safeguarding yourself from cyber threats could mean life or death for your company.

Don’t become an unfortunate statistic! If you’re worried about how many businesses fail, protect yours. Read on to find out how continuous IT monitoring can help.

What Is Vulnerability Management?

Vulnerability management is identifying, analyzing, and remediating vulnerabilities in your operating environment. Continued management is important because it helps ensure that you use technology safely and securely.

For example, imagine your network has a vulnerability that allows hackers to access sensitive information on your servers. It’s bad news for your business — especially if you’re handling sensitive customer data or financial information.

Or maybe there’s something wrong with your firewall or other security measures that could leave you vulnerable to attack from the outside world.

Continuous monitoring technology will alert and protect you from trouble in both situations.

A Small Business Cybersecurity Must-Have: 5 Ways Continuous IT Monitoring Keeps You Safe


Are you ready to stop playing defense and start playing offense? Continuous IT monitoring is a must-have for any small business that wants to protect its data and reputation from cyberattacks. Here are five ways continuous IT monitoring can help you stay safe.

1. Identifies Small Business Threats Early

One of the biggest challenges for small businesses is to stay on top of emerging threats. By monitoring your network traffic and system performance, you can identify any unusual activity or potential issues before they become serious problems.

2. Responds to Small Business Weaknesses Early

Knowing where weaknesses exist in your small business network means you can fix them before they become more significant problems later. In addition, a rapid response to weaknesses and vulnerabilities can prevent costly downtime.

3. Enables Efficient Incident and Breach Response During Cyberattacks

Another benefit of continuous IT monitoring is more efficient incident response during cyberattacks. For example, suppose someone has breached your network. A comprehensive solution like TCS CyberShield will allow you to identify the problem quickly and minimize any potential damage.


TCS CyberShield can manage new vulnerabilities and provide business continuity in the event of an incident.

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Small business security

4. Supports a Proactive, Preventive Culture That Protects Against SMB Vulnerabilities

Safeguarding against vulnerabilities is not just about security threats — it’s about your business as a whole. One of the best ways to keep your data safe is by supporting a proactive, preventive culture that protects against vulnerabilities before they cause problems.

While technology plays a significant role in your business security, so do your people. Continuous monitoring tools will support your staff, their efforts, and model the proactive approach to security you’d like to see on your team.

5. Offers Protection from All Types of Vulnerabilities — and Saves You Money

Did you know a business’s average downtime cost is $9,000 per minute?

One of the biggest benefits of continuous IT monitoring is saving time and money by identifying vulnerabilities before they cause damage. This allows you to quickly fix problems before they worsen or trigger more harm than necessary.

Do You Need a Small Business Vulnerability Assessment? Trust the Local Team of Experts at TCS


Are you a small business owner in need of a comprehensive cybersecurity solution? The small business experts at TCS can help you identify potential vulnerabilities, then develop and implement actionable plans to keep your network safe.

Don’t leave your business success to chance. If you want to work with a company that provides prompt, local, and live services, contact TCS.

Protect Your Investments from Devastating Cyber Attacks and Business Vulnerability!


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