Ransomware is malware that encrypts your important files and then holds them for ransom. With ransomware attacks on the rise, billions of dollars are on the line — and protection is critical. So, learn how to protect your business from costly downtime and financial extortion.

How Do Ransomware Attacks Happen?

Is ransomware malware? In short, yes. Ransomware is a type of malware that is usually installed when someone clicks on links or attachments in spam emails.

Most of the time, this happens when you’re doing something else online—checking your email, browsing social media, or shopping—and it’s easy to fall for because many of these emails look like they’re from reputable companies or institutions. For example, you might see one that looks like an invoice from your billing department or a shipping confirmation from your package delivery service.

Increasingly, though, ransomware is also delivered when users visit websites hackers have compromised through drive-by downloads (which happen when someone visits an infected website). These sites often appear legitimate at first glance but will attempt to install malware onto your computer without your warning or consent—so be careful!


5 Shocking Ransomware Statistics

Unfortunately, cyberattacks are only getting worse and more dangerous. Here are some startling statistics about ransomware in the United States.

  1. Ransomware payments hackers demand now total an average of $200,000 per attack.
  2. The healthcare industry has reported over 2,000 data breaches in the last decade.
  3. Over 4.2 million Americans have suffered ransomware attacks on their mobile phones.
  4. The cost of ransomware attacks surpassed $7.5 billion in 2019.
  5. Malicious emails have increased by 600 percent since COVID-19.
  6. 82% of ransomware attacks in 2021 were against companies with fewer than 1,000 employees.
  7. 5. 37% of companies hit by ransomware in 2021 had fewer than 100 employees.


So, what can you do to keep your business from becoming a statistic? Keep reading to learn how to safeguard your company assets.


Use This 3-Pronged Approach to Protect Your Business from a Ransomware Attack

As ransomware hackers become more sophisticated, taking the proper steps to protect your business from cybercrime is essential. The best defense against ransomware hackers is a three-pronged approach that includes protection, detection, and recovery.

  1. Ransomware protection. While helpful and essential, antivirus programs can only do so much. Ransomware prevention software can help minimize the risk of infection through phishing emails or other methods by identifying suspicious activity as possible malware before it can infect your system.
  2. Ransomware detection. Ransomware detection tools can help you avoid attacks by monitoring your computers for suspicious activity. They scan your system for malware and other threats before they can cause any damage. If a threat is found, the tool will alert you so you can prevent further damage from happening.
  3. Ransomware recovery. Ransomware decryption tools can help you recover files impacted by an attack.


Are you looking for an all-in-one prevention, detection, and recovery tool? A comprehensive solution like TCS Cybershield can manage new vulnerabilities, monitor your operations in real-time, and provide business continuity in the event of an incident.


Call us TODAY to learn more!


3 Tips to Prevent Your Company Devices from Becoming Infected with Ransomware

Many times, the best defense is both prevention and education. Here are some IT tips to help prevent your company devices from becoming infected with ransomware.

  1. Train your employees to spot ransomware. Businesses should train employees not to click links or download attachments from emails received from unknown senders, which is the most effective way to spread ransomware.
  2. Keep up with regular software updates. Updates are released regularly by software developers, so they can patch security flaws in their programs before hackers can abuse them. You must install these updates as soon as possible to prevent hackers from infiltrating your systems through these vulnerabilities.
  3. Back up your data regularly. Backups ensure that even if a device becomes infected with malware, its data will still be safe and available for retrieval once it has been disinfected and reinstalled with a fresh copy of the operating system.

TCS Can Protect Your Business from Costly Ransomware Attacks

The threat of a ransomware attack is very real and financially devastating. You need a trusted advisor to help, and TCS is ready to serve as your expert and a guide in all things IT.


If you want to work with a company that provides prompt, local, and live services, contact TCS.


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