Virtual CIO

Virtual CIO

Today, we can understand what a “virtual” Chief Information Officer (CIO) is more than any time in the past.

A virtual CIO is a technology expert who reviews the technology an organization uses to run its business. They help them refine, improve, or replace outdated solutions with secure, stable, and affordable options. Their task is to align business goals with technology spend to ensure the organization is being as efficient as possible with its resources.

This individual has considerable experience in the industry and a level of expertise that the company could not afford if they had to hire a full-time person.

Total Computer Solutions (TCS) provides this Virtual CIO service to our clients. We meet face-to-face with the organization’s principles and discuss their plans for the coming year. This meeting aims to make sure that IT goals align with business goals and cut wasted effort. If headcount is declining based on management projections, we need to align IT with those goals. If they have outgrown their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system and need to replace it, aligning IT spend with that goal and planning for “big data” is essential. The agenda for these meetings is about the business goals and aims more than the technical details. Larger organizations meet Monthly and smaller organizations might meet annually.

TCS has hundreds of clients spanning many industries, and we bring a breadth of knowledge to these meetings. More than 30 years in the business allow us to have a longer-term view than many other technology firms. We take a seasoned and reasoned approach to help our clients meet their long-term goals. This strategy has allowed us to keep many of our clients for decades.

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